Hello! I'm Kirsten, spelled and pronounced the Swedish way. If you don't know any Swedish, that's okay; it's pronounced KEER-sten. (Also, see: American Girl doll!)

So, basically, I've had a camera in my hand since as long as I can remember. I get it from my mom because she always had a camera in her hand. She was always documenting everything in my family's lives and I loved sneaking into her closet and looking through tons of shoe boxes filled with photographs. I loved the feeling of reminiscing on all our memories when looking back on our pictures.

Since probably third grade I've owned a camera so that I could take my own pictures. In high school I took a formal photography class and learned everything about cameras and developing film and making my own prints. I loved every bit of it, but really felt my niche when we did portraits. Then I got a part-time job as an assistant for one of the top photographers in my area and I learned even more about taking pictures of people and loved being part of his team. As I got older it became evident that I had a passion (or a problem!) with photographing every day, candid life. I was always bringing my camera out to parties, dinner with friends, family gatherings. I have dozens of photo albums on my book shelves and probably an obscene amount of albums on Facebook. And I don't even want to talk about how many posts on Instagram... (maybe I do have a problem...)

But I never once thought that I’d make it a job until years later, after planning my own wedding and searching for a wedding photographer, it finally clicked. The photography business had changed so much in just a few years, that now it was completely possible for me to have a photography business without having to have gone to college for it! So in 2012, after a stretch of being miserable at my job and knowing my husband and I were about to move out of state, I decided to start my own photography business and I recruited as many people as I could for free sessions so I could practice. Eventually, when people started giving me money for their free sessions, I knew I could be an official business, and the rest is history!

I just love sharing life! All the little details, interactions between loved ones, freezing moments and memories for eternity. This is what I love to do and I want to share your life and capture it for you! I want you to look back on these pictures 20 years from now and remember exactly how much you loved the way little Maggie crinkled her nose when she said, "cheese!" or the way your husband looked so happy when being given hugs from your kids. I try to make your session as fun and relaxed as possible so I can capture you all in your natural element - in the moment with one another. To me, candids make the best "portraits"! I do all of this using natural light. My mom never used fancy equipment to get the best family pictures and I don't believe I do either!

Wanna know a little bit about me?

I'm a New Englander who actually loves the cold and misses it dearly while living here in the South. (we’ve been below the Mason Dixon line since 2013!) I'm married to a wonderful man who is in the Coast Guard so we move around every few years. We started as dog parents to the best charcoal Lab in the world named Bear in 2011 until January 2017 when we became real parents to our boy Jack and then again in 2021 we welcomed our sweet little girl, Amelia.

Being raised in Massachusetts, I lived very close to mountains and the beach and grew to love being outdoors. There's something about sunshine, fresh air and enjoying God's beautiful earth that makes my soul so happy. (which is why I prefer outdoor portraits versus indoor studios!) I'm also a big country girl at heart. Give me an open field and my boots (and preferably a horse as well) and I'll never want to leave! I love all things old, farmy and rustic, including history! I would love to live in an old Colonial farmhouse, built in the 1700s but carefully restored to have modern amenities! If I wasn't a photographer my other dream jobs would be an interior decorator and an event planner; two other passions of mine!